WordPress Website Maintenance Package

Your WordPress Website’s risk is reduced with my
Premium Monthly Maintenance Package for
$99 per month.

Your Premium  Website Maintenance Package includes:

  • WordPress Core Updates
  • Plugins & Theme Updates
  • Secure Off-Site & Local Backups
  • Malware Scan*
  • Security Plugin to monitor Brute Force Attacks *

*Site compromises are not covered under this plan and if found, options will be discussed with you.

Have your LIVE EVALUATION scheduled today. You will have a baseline assessment of your WordPress website’s security. I will share my screen with you during our evaluationa and you will be able to see how I work. Click on the button below and start protecting your website today.

Why Is WordPress Maintenance Important?

Did you know that WordPress is the most popular website building platform? It powers over 34% of all websites on the web. It is also an open-source code. This means anyone can change or create code for WordPress. A WordPress website without website maintenance is easier to hack than any custom coded website. You must have monthly WordPress Website Maintenance included in your business budget.

“61% of all infected WordPress websites are out of date.”

Keeping Your Website Up to date

Imagine going for a year without updating your cell phone’s operating system. That’s right, you wouldn’t do that. If you are not keeping your website up to date it becomes vulnerable to hacker programs. It is going to be easy to hack and used for redirecting visitors, spreading viruses, or even mining bitcoin.

Contact me today for scheduling a live one-on-one evaluation of your website. While I am doing my best you can watch exactly what is going on your website. Schedule your appointment today. I am looking forward to being a part of your business success!

website maintenance

Keeping your Website Visitors Happy

You have approximately 10 seconds to make your visitors stay on your website. There is nothing more annoying for someone looking for your services than a an outdated sluggish website. Your pictures and videos must be loading fast when all your software and plugins are properly updated.

Your business is running on the world wide web. You want a safe, fast and world-class interaction with your clients. Ideally Digital’s maintenance package for $99 is your best bet to keep your sales rolling in. Sign up today!

Cloud-Based Back-up

All your information stays safe during your website maintenance with a safe and secure cloud-based back-up. I will make sure that all your data, content, and media you have carefully placed on your website stays where it supposed to stay: on your website.

If something happens during an update, I am able to fix your problem effortlessly from your back up file database. I have great experience in this area and I will do my best to make sure your website is safe, even if a conflict arises.

The Best Way to Keep Your WordPress Site Updated

It is easy and affordable to keep your site updated. My maintenance package is affordable and you will get my honest and genuine customer support. Sign up today for a free evaluation. Click on the button and sign up today for a montly low cost and efficient maintenance. Let’s keep your website visitors happy and motivated to buy from you.